

LighTech Stand rear - Ducati 996 / 998


LighTech Stand rear - Ducati 996 / 998
Old price: 264.00   

Price: 237.60 

(Including tax) You save: 26.40  (10%)

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Availability: 21 days

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Iron one armed rear stand with adapter - ø 25,7mm

LighTech Special Stand for professional or sporty .

The quality and reliability of easels LighTech is known all over the world now .

After a decade of continuous development and improvement on the race , the toughest test bed for these components, we are able to offer products that are second to none .

Absolutely full range of easels front, rear , center and specific for use in sports and professional environment .

In addition to all this, LighTech has also designed and manufactured a new line of removable rear stand , very useful in case of transport and optimization of space in your warehouse or store.
